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Meghalaya Jobs : Apply online for over 70 vacancies in NEHU

12:52 PM Mar 15, 2025 IST | NE NOW NEWS
Updated At : 12:52 PM Mar 15, 2025 IST
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Applications are invited for recruitment of 70 vacant positions or jobs in NEHU Meghalaya.

North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) Meghalaya is inviting applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to the posts or jobs of Guest Faculty in various disciplines.

Name of post : Guest Faculty

No. of posts : 70

Discipline wise vacancies :

  1. Tourism & Hotel Management: 2 (Shillong Campus)
  2. Commerce: 2 (Shillong Campus)
  3. Journalism and Mass Communication: 2 (Shillong Campus)
  4. Library and Information Science: 3 (Shillong Campus)
  5. Management: 3 (Tura Campus)
  6. Agri-Business Management and Food Technology: 2 (Tura Campus)
  7. Adult and Continuing Education: 2 (Shillong Campus)
  8. Education: 1 (Tura Campus)
  9. Geography: 2 (Shillong Campus)
  10. Environment Studies: 2 (Shillong Campus)
  11. Geology: 2 (Shillong Campus)
  12. Forestry: 2 (Tura Campus)
  13. Horticulture: 1 (Tura Campus)
  14. Linguistics : 2 (Shillong Campus)
  15. Khasi : 1 (Shillong Campus)
  16. Garo : 3 (Tura Campus)
  17. Philosophy : 2 (Shillong Campus)
  18. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics: 2 (Shillong Campus)
  19. Biochemistry: 2 (Shillong Campus)
  20. Botany: 3 (Shillong Campus)
  21. Zoology: 2 (Shillong Campus)
  22. Chemistry: 1 (Shillong Campus)
  23. Statistics: 1 (Shillong Camapus)
  24. Cultural and Creative Studies: 2 (Shillong Campus)
  25. History and Archeology: 4 (Tura Campus)
  26. Social Work: 4 (Tura Campus)
  27. Law: 5 (Shillong Campus)
  28. Basic Science and Social Science: 1 (Shillong Campus)
  29. Computer Applications: 2 (Tura Campus)
  30. Architecture: 6 (Shillong Campus)
  31. Information Technology: 3 (Shillong Campus)
  32. Biomedical Engineering: 2 (Shillong Campus)
  33. Nanotechnology: 1 (Shillong Campus)
  34. Energy Engineering: 2 (Shillong Campus)

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Eligibility Criteria : The eligibility criteria of the candidates and other terms and conditions shall be as per the UGC Regulations 2018/ AICTE latest Regulations as the case may be and their subsequent Notifications/ Guidelines if any.

Salary: The remuneration would be Rs. 1,500/- per lecture subject to a maximum amount of Rs. 50,000/- per month.

How to apply :

Candidates may apply online for the above posts through the website

The last date for submission of the application is 27.03.2025

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