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World War II veteran from Mizoram passes away at 102

04:57 PM Apr 01, 2024 IST | NE NOW NEWS
UpdateAt: 04:57 PM Apr 01, 2024 IST
world war ii veteran from mizoram passes away at 102

AIZAWL: World War II veteran from the Northeast state of Mizoram, Subedar Thanseia, has passed away at the age of 102.

A revered veteran of the Indian Army’s Assam Regiment, Subedar Thanseia, breathed his last at the on Sunday (March 31), following a brief illness.

Hailing from Mizoram, Subedar Thanseia’s life was marked by acts of extraordinary bravery, particularly during the Battle of Kohima, a pivotal engagement in World War II, and his instrumental role in shaping the legacy of the 1st Assam Regiment during their deployment at Jessami.

Throughout his military career, Subedar Thanseia exemplified unwavering dedication to his nation, going above and beyond the call of duty.

His valorous actions at Kohima played a significant role in securing a crucial victory for the Allied forces, thereby altering the course of the conflict in the East.

Even after retiring from active service, Subedar Thanseia continued to serve as a beacon of inspiration, actively engaging in veteran affairs and educational endeavours, instilling a sense of patriotism and resilience in younger generations.

The tribute to Subedar Thanseia witnessed a profound outpouring of respect and gratitude from both military and civilian circles, with comrades from the Assam Regiment joining in to honour his memory.

His legacy remains etched in the annals of the Indian Army and the hearts of the people of the NorteEast, serving as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by our soldiers in the pursuit of peace and freedom.

As the Northeast mourns his loss, Subedar Thanseia’s remarkable contributions to the nation and his valorous service during the Second World War will be celebrated as a testament to bravery, leadership, and unwavering commitment to duty.

His story continues to inspire, not just as a reflection of the past, but as a guiding light for the future, honouring the enduring legacy of all Indian soldiers who have served with distinction.

His memory will endure as a symbol of service and sacrifice, inspiring generations to come to uphold the values for which he stood, and ensuring that his legacy remains an integral part of the nation's heritage.
