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Horoscope Today | 28 October 2023: Check your astrological predictions here

07:00 AM Oct 28, 2023 IST | NE NOW NEWS
UpdateAt: 11:31 PM Oct 27, 2023 IST
horoscope today   28 october 2023  check your astrological predictions here
Daily horoscope

Horoscope Today | 28 October 2023: If you are interested in astrology, take a look into your horoscope for today (28 October 2023).

A horoscope reveals the unique destiny of each individual, offering insight into the paths they will take in life.

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We have listed the horoscope for the day (28 October 2023) without missing any signs.

Here is the horoscope for 28 October 2023:


You can be headstrong, Aries, and sometimes it takes a big push in a new direction to grab your attention. You've needed a buy-in on why things must change.

The universe is here to help you figure that out, starting with the lunar eclipse in Taurus on this day. Today's Lunar eclipse lights a path where feelings follow.

For you, this could involve money, real estate and instability centered around both brought on by Uranus.


This has been a busy year for you, Taurus, and the last lunar eclipse in your sign is like the cherry on top of a sundae. Eclipses bring delays and open your eyes to the things that need to change.

Whatever you realize today won't happen today, although you will wish it would. Knowing what direction to take can motivate you in a big way.

Today's eclipse stirs your heart toward personal growth. It lets you know that you have to grow for things to grow. Change begins (and ends) with you.


Hidden enemies, the mysterious, and what is unseen are areas of life that today's lunar eclipse activates, Gemini.

Eclipses usher change but create a reason for caution – like a backstabber. You like to trust people at face value and share your thoughts without considering the impact much of the time.

You may speak freely in good company, but today is different. Today is when you'll want to be careful with your words.

Wisdom speaks during this eclipse. It says to hold back and assess. Be the listener. Take a step back to see who's really friend or foe.


Good friends are hard to come by, Cancer. But there are times when a relationship has reached the end of its season, and it's time to part ways. You've been outgrowing a relationship for a little while.

While you've often made excuses for why you need to remain close, there's an emptiness to your conversations and a lack of closeness you once felt. Today's lunar eclipse in Taurus closes the door on one relationship because it will open the door to another.


You've heard the saying, "It's not always what you know, but it's who you know." During today's lunar eclipse, a female in a powerful position may reveal herself to be the ally you need.

With this lunar eclipse happening in your career and social status sector, you could experience intense emotions about your job and a desire to change careers — or companies.

If you're in a competitive field, a female may be the one to help you shine.


What's your personal philosophy, Virgo? You keep a lot of your thoughts and opinions to yourself.

There are times when this is great because it keeps the peace. But, there are moments when you need to speak up, especially when you feel the need to stand up and say what it is you believe in. Religion, politics, and culture can feel volatile to you right now.


You're ready to grow into the next level of your life, but there are a few foundational areas that need fortifying. This eclipse in Taurus, in your eighth solar house, brings up the unhealed wounds you have yet to work on.

The good news is that healing them gives you newfound courage despite being painful. Performing at a high level requires grit and an unwavering spirit of commitment. Eclipse energy lasts up to six months, making today, Day 1 of working on yourself — a key theme for your life until 2025.


Commitment is a key theme for you during today's lunar eclipse in Taurus. If there's anything you take seriously, Scorpio is what you commit yourself to. If it's a relationship, you're all in. If it's a career, you give 110 percent.

During this year, when eclipse season took place in your sign and in Taurus, you experienced some radical changes that left you pondering if you genuinely want to follow a traditional path of commitment. Maybe you said never again, but after this lunar eclipse, you could change your mind to a 'maybe.'


Over the last three years, you've adjusted your mind to the new normal. The pandemic was scarring on many levels. You learned to be cautious, and you learned to socialize less. This lunar eclipse in Taurus is important because it emphasizes good health.

You may not have hit all the fitness goals you set for yourself in 2023, but you can hit the restart button and begin again. Today, you get six months of eclipse energy to help you steer your lifestyle in the right direction and detach emotionally from the things that undermine good health.


Romance is fun until it isn't. If you've been seeing someone just to fill in the time, your desire to keep up the facade is ending. This lunar eclipse takes place in the firmness of Taurus, bringing an earthy, stubborn-natured energy into your life.

Your deal breakers will feel real to you. Your what-ifs will need more value to keep you staying where you don't want to be. You may find that you prefer being single over being with someone who gives you company, but you don't love. Seasons change, and you'll know if it's time to move on.


There's no place like home, Aquarius. Travel is nice, but during this lunar eclipse in Taurus, you may feel ready to nest and set new roots. You may sell a home in the next six months and buy a new one.

What seemed to be a stretch in your budget could finally work out in a way you hadn't imagined it could. You may be saying goodbye to instability and hello to a place where you feel safe and secure for years to come.


There's a time and place for everything, and while you may choose to prioritize something, that does not mean it's meant for you. The lunar eclipse in Taurus can bring changes to your neighborhood or community, and those alternatives can have a trickle-down effect.

Your life could be headed in a new direction, leading you to end a chapter of your life abruptly or making adjustments you had not anticipated. This may feel inconvenient at first. You may feel like complaining to keep the status quo, but this eclipse moves you toward your highest good.
