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Horoscope Today, 09 January 2024: Check your astrological predictions here

07:00 AM Jan 09, 2024 IST | NE NOW NEWS
Updated At : 04:14 PM Jan 08, 2024 IST
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Daily Horoscope

Horoscope Today | 09 January 2024: If you are interested in astrology, let us take you through what your day could look like.

Here is the horoscope for 09 January 2024. Read what the stars have in store for you today (09 January 2024).

ARIES (March 21 – April 20)

It seems your ship is about to come in, Aries. At least, the planets seem to think so. Your years of cultivating business relationships will pay off in the form of increased sales or new business opportunities. It seems this success spills over into your personal life as well. Life on the home front has never been more serene. You are the conductor of this melodious symphony that is your life. Congratulations!

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21)

Why does being patient have to take so long? quipped one frustrated soul. Could it have been you, Taurus? Waiting has never been your strong suit, there's no question about it. You will get through today more easily if you concentrate on finding an outlet for your pent-up frustration. A visit to the gym or a vigorous cleaning of the house would help.

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)

We all know the adage, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." But you can't help feeling that you have tried and tried and tried to no avail. All that is about to change, Gemini, as you begin to reap the fruits of your labors. You can expect to see things from a new, unusual perspective. This will allow you to sidestep the obstacles that have been blocking you recently. Pay extra attention today and make a mental note, if not a physical one, of any unusual ideas you have.

CANCER (June 22 – July 23)

Whatever you want, Cancer, you need only ask for it and there is a good chance you will get it. And it's about time, too. It seems you have been working exceptionally hard lately. You are certainly due for a raise if not a promotion. Gather your thoughts, collect your supporting evidence, and ask for what you deserve. If your yen for more public recognition is nagging at you, then take steps today to ensure that you get more time in the spotlight.

LEO (July 24 – August 23)

It's time once and for all to tie up all those loose ends of projects left undone. Much as you may dread it, think of it this way, Leo: by completing these tasks you clear space for exciting new projects to come your way. Know that everything bodes well today for all things financial and professional. Perhaps you'll get that bonus that's due to you!

VIRGO (August 24 – September 23)

Junk mail and a few telephone solicitations would almost be a welcome relief from the intense communications you've been having with people lately. All this intensity is interesting, to be sure, but also more time-consuming than you'd like. You barely have time to handle your own affairs, much less those of others. If you begin to feel yourself at the bursting point, call your own personal time-out. A shower or bath would do you a world of good, Virgo.

LIBRA (September 24 – October 23)

It isn't nearly as bad as you think, Libra. In fact, things are definitely looking up. Of course, you'll never know that if you refuse to drag yourself out of bed to see for yourself. Your hard work over the last few months has left you enervated and somewhat drained. But today you begin to see the payoff! It's time to get up, get dressed, and dazzle the world with your brilliance. You know you can do it.

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22)

Think of yourself as a marathon runner. You have a very long distance to travel, but the sweetness is not just to be found in crossing the finish line, but rather in relishing all the sights along the way. While your head today is overflowing with plans and ideas, you begin to feel deflated when you begin to consider all the logistics of realizing these dreams. Fret not, Scorpio. The planets have blessed you with an energy level that is equal to the task, so go ahead and get started!

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 22)

It's time for you to tap into that inner resource that you have always known existed. Your ability to heal is extraordinary, and there's no point in denying it any longer. Your mind is like a sponge, thirsty to soak up any new knowledge or practice about the healing arts. You might spend today browsing a New Age bookstore. Or why not spend a relaxing hour lying flat out on a table, learning from the skilled fingers of a master masseuse?

CAPRICORN (December 23 – January 20)

Once begun is half done, as the saying goes. This certainly applies to you today, Capricorn. Yes, it's true that you have a considerable amount of work ahead of you, but surely you know that you can get it done. Trite as it may sound, making a list (no, you don't have to check it twice) will help you break the projects down into manageable chunks. It's so much easier to focus only on the next step rather than the entire Herculean task.

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19)

How annoying when work gets in the way of pleasure, but there are times when professional opportunities are simply too good to pass up. That beguiling creature you've had your eye on will just have to wait for you another day. For now, Aquarius, focus on the business at hand. With the current aspect at play, the payoff could be tremendous!

PISCES (February 20 – March 20)

One disadvantage of attics is that so much junk tends to get stored up there. Today is the day for you to clean the house. You've been putting this off long enough and now must face the dust and debris in your own personal attic. Whether it's emotional messes that need cleaning up or business matters that beg for attention, know that you will be hurting yourself and your future prospects if you delay any longer.
