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How many times should you get an HbA1c test done?

12:42 PM Jan 28, 2024 IST | NE NOW NEWS
Updated At : 12:42 PM Jan 28, 2024 IST

If your HbA1c test range is in the diabetes or prediabetes category, then tracking your blood sugar and changes in your HbA1c level is of extreme importance. Checking your HbA1c levels help you see if your blood sugar levels are getting worse or better overtime. Keeping a tab allows you to manage diabetes or prediabetes as effectively as possible. 


Testing blood sugar and HbA1c is critical for people suffering from diabetes and to prevent complications in the long-run. HbA1c test range results can help you understand the needs of your body and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Testing frequency depends upon the type of diabetes but consulting your doctor before testing your blood sugar is a good idea, however it is advisable to test it twice in a month at least. 

This is where the question arises- How often should one check their HbA1c level?

Usually, testing frequency depends upon several factors but the main question is: are you diabetic or do you fall under the prediabetic category?

HbA1c Test When You Have Diabetes

When you have diabetes keeping a track on your HbA1c level is important to assess how effective your treatment plan is.  Testing also helps in making better choices in terms of diet and maintaining healthy lifestyle choices.  Here are a few guidelines to make better testing choices:

1.If you are consistently managing and maintaining your required blood sugar range, then you should check your HbA1c level at least 2 times in a year (every 6 months).

2. If you struggle to maintain your required target blood sugar level consistently, check your HbA1c levels every 3 months in a year (4 times/year). You may have to check your HbA1c levels 4 times a year in case you have taken up a new treatment plan for your diabetes.

3.In case you are pregnant, you may need to get your HbA1c level checked much more frequently as blood sugar levels fluctuate, getting too high or too low during this time. This kind of fluctuation can harm the development of the baby and frequent monitoring can help prevent any damage. 

HbA1 Test When You Have Prediabetes

Prediabetes or ‘borderline diabetes’ is when your blood sugar levels are higher than the normal range but have not yet reached the diabetic range. Regular HbA1c tests can help you keep a tab on your blood sugar level and protect you from falling in the diabetic category. Here are a few guidelines to help you make better testing choices:

1. If you have prediabetes, check your HbA1c level at least once a year. You need to be more frequent with your HbA1c test range exam- 2 times a year (once every six months), if you have:

2. You should also check your HbA1c levels more than 2 times in a year (once every 3 months) as they can really help you to take the correct steps to manage your blood sugar levels and also to monitor your progress.  

Monitoring your HbA1c level is imperative for your overall health and well-being specifically if you have diabetes.  Glucose metres are gaining a lot of prevalence as they can help you keep a tab on your blood sugar levels frequently even when you are travelling. However, you need to consult your doctor before checking your HbA1c level at home with the help of this device.
