Centre allocates Rs 2434 crore to Assam under UNNATI 2024 scheme
GUWAHATI: The central government has allocated Rs 2434 crores to Assam as part of the Uttar Poorva Transformative Industrialization Scheme.
This allocation is part of 60% of the outlay designated for the eight Northeast states and the remaining 40% allocated on a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) basis.
The union cabinet has endorsed the Ministry of Commerce and Industry's proposal for the Uttar Poorva Transformative Industrialization Scheme, 2024 (UNNATI – 2024) for a duration of 10 years, with an additional 8 years for committed liabilities, at a total cost of Rs 10,037 crore.
Key features of the scheme include a period effective until March 31, 2034, an application window for registration until March 31, 2026, disposal of all registration applications by March 31, 2027, commencement of production or operation within 4 years from registration, categorization of districts into Zone A and Zone B, earmarking 60% of Part A's outlay for the eight Northeast states, inclusion of building construction and P&M costs for Capital Investment Incentive for Micro industries, and eligibility of all new and expanding industrial units for incentives.