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Assam: Students question 'crime incident' at youth parliament in Bajali

12:38 PM Feb 07, 2025 IST | Linthoi Khoirom
Updated At : 12:38 PM Feb 07, 2025 IST
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Students raised questions on Air Pollution, raising numbers of chain snatching, price hike of books and appealed police to install CC TV cameras.

Bajali: To make students aware of how members of Parliament raised questions and debated different problems and how Bills were passed, the district administration of Bajali organized a 'Youth Parliament' event under the guidance of observer, Hemen Das at the DC office premises.

The initiative aims to educate youngsters about the country’s governance and democratic processes, fostering a sense of responsibility and patriotism from a young age.

The program encourages students to engage with the functioning of Parliament, promoting democratic values and national pride.

More than 100 students from Government and private schools participated in the program. 

In the program the students raised questions on Air Pollution, raising numbers of chain snatching, price hike of books and appealed police to install CC TV cameras. 

Deputy commissioner of Bajali, Mridul Kumar Das said, "From this program students will know the inside role of parliament.

The student thank to the government and administration for organizing such program.

They express confident to seat in parliament. 

Youth Parliament event is a platform for the youth to speak up, participate in the policy direction and have an impact on the growth agenda of the country.

It encourages young people to express themselves in an organized manner and enable them to emerge as promising future leaders.
