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Assam Career : MSSV Nagaon Recruitment 2024

03:53 PM Dec 06, 2024 IST | NE NOW NEWS
Updated At : 03:53 PM Dec 06, 2024 IST
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Applications are invited for recruitment of various technical positions or career in MSSV Nagaon Assam.

Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya (MSSV) Nagaon Assam is inviting applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to the post or career of Project Engineer. Srimanta Sankardeva Sangha submitted a proposal to the Government of Assam for establishment of the Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva University under the Assam Private Universities Act, 2007. The Assam Legislative Assembly passed 'The Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya Act, 2013'. The Act of the Assam Legislative Assembly (Assam Act No. XIX of 2013) received the assent of the Hon'ble Governor of Assam vide : No. LGL.59/2013/16 and notified it in the Assam Gazette No. 351 dated 14th August, 2013. The newly set up Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya formally came into being on 10th June, 2014. Though the University has been set up under the Private University Act, but it is designed as a people's university, an institution for the entire people of Assam as well as India. It is located at Nagaon, the place blessed with the dust of the saint's feet for more than half a century, since he lived half of his life at Bardowa, Nagaon. The Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya fraternity firmly believes that a new era of social regeneration will start from this University.

Name of post : Project Engineer

No. of posts : 1

Essential Qualification :

Candidate must have passed B.E./ B.Tech. in Civil with minimum 55% marks from AICTE recognised institute.

Desirable : 2 (two) Years experience in Civil Works in Govt./ Private Organisation.

Scale of Pay : As per the MSSV Pay Matrix

Age: As per the norms of Government of Assam.

How to apply :

Candidates may send their completed applications in prescribed form.

They must send it along with necessary enclosures also.

The applications must altogether reach to the Registrar, Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya, H.B. Path, Kolongpar, Nagaon – 782001

Last date for submission of applications is 17th December 2024

Candidate must altogether pay an amount of Rs. 2,000.00 (Rupees two thousand) only by demand draft in favour of “REGISTRAR, MAHAPURUSHA SRIMANTA SANKARADEVA VISWAVIDYALAYA” payable at “State Bank of India, Nagaon Main Branch (IFSC: SBIN0000146)” or Cash at Accounts Branch of the University as an application fees for the post.

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