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Assam Career : MSSV Dhubri Recruitment 2025

03:07 PM Jan 16, 2025 IST | NE NOW NEWS
Updated At : 03:20 PM Jan 16, 2025 IST
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Applications are invited for recruitment of 11 vacant positions or career in MSSV Dhubri Assam.

Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya (MSSV) Dhubri Assam is inviting applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to the posts or career of Assistant Professors.

Name of post : Assistant Professor

No. of posts : 8

Discipline wise vacancies :

Essential Qualifications:

Candidate must have passed Masters degree in the concerned discipline with minimum 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale, wherever the grading system is followed) from recognised
University/ Institute of National Importance with Ph.D. in the relevant subject also.

Desirable :

(i) Experience in teaching of U.G. & P.G. Students.

(ii) Research Publications in peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals.

(iii) Proficiency in ICT in teaching

Name of post : Yoga Instructor

No. of posts : 1

Essential Qualifications: Candidate must have M.A./M.Sc. in Yogic Science & Naturopathy
with minimum 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale, wherever the grading system is followed) from recognised University/Institute.


(i) Experience in teaching of U.G. & P.G. Students.

(ii) Research Publications in peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals.

(iii) Proficiency in demonstration & ICT in education

Name of post : Assistant Registrar

No. of posts : 2

Post 1:

Essential Qualifications: A Master's Degree in Computer Application/IT/M.Tech. in CSE/IT with minimum 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a pointscale, wherever the grading system is followed).


(i) At least 5 years of service in Govt. / Private University/Research Institute/College/Autonomous Body.

(ii) Proficiency in Computer works, computerization of office works, Academic/ Administrative and Examination works.

Post 2:

Essential Qualifications:

a) A Master's Degree with minimum 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale, wherever the grading system is followed).


(i) At least 5 years of service in Govt. / Private University/Research Institute/College/Autonomous Body.

(ii) Proficiency in Computer works, computerization of office works, Academic/ Administrative and Examination works.

Salary : As per MSSV Pay Matrix

How to apply :

Candidate must pay an amount of Rs. 2,000.00 (Rupees two thousand) only by demand draft in favour of “REGISTRAR, MAHAPURUSHA SRIMANTA SANKARADEVA VISWAVIDYALAYA” payable at “State Bank of India, Nagaon Main Branch (IFSC: SBIN0000146)” or Cash at Accounts Branch of the University as an application fees for the post.

Applicants must submit Soft copy (PDF) of the filled in application form along with supporting documents as per template (Single file) via email to: latest by 20th January, 2025 and the hard copy of the same (Completed application) in prescribed form along with necessary enclosures must reach “THE REGISTRAR, MAHAPURUSHA SRIMANTA SANKARADEVA VISWAVIDYALAYA, H.B. PATH, KOLONGPAR, NAGAON – 782001” latest by 25th January, 2025.

The envelop should have the mentioning with “Applied for the Post of ------- with Adv. No. and Sl. No. of Post applied”.

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