Applications are invited for recruitment of various academic positions or career in Arya Vidyapeeth College Assam.
Arya Vidyapeeth College Assam is inviting applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to the post or career of Junior Research Fellow (1 no.) in the DBT-sponsored project titled “DBT-NER Advance level Institutional Biotech Hub.” AVC came into being on 29th July 1958. It is one of the beacons in the field of education in Assam, catering to the requirements of higher education and tapping the intellectual potential of the youth of the entire North East India. Tomaso Ma Jyotirgamaya (Let the advent of light remove all darkness) are the opening words of the vision statement of the College. Arya Vidyapeeth College is the fruit of the missionary zeal and relentless efforts on the part of a team of exceptionally farsighted visionaries led by Late Giridhar Sarma, an exceptional personality, renowned academician and litterateur of repute. Luminaries like Mahendra Mohan Choudhury (former Chief Minister of Assam and Governor of Punjab), Prof. Radha Kanta Das, a prominent mathematician of the region, educationist Sarat Chandra Goswami and some other leading citizens were the persons responsible for bringing the college to life.
Name of post : Junior Research Fellow
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No. of posts : 1
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc in Zoology/Botany/Biotechnology/Biochemistry or any other relevant areas of Biology
Desired Specification:
At least one year of research experience
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Experience in Molecular Biology tools & techniques [Preference will be given to CSIR-NET/GATE qualified & experience in Laboratory animal handling (mice/rat)]
Upper Age Limit : As per DBT norms
Selection Procedure :
Candidates may appear for a walk-in-interview on 6th February, 2025 at 10.00 am
The venue is in Arya Vidyapeeth College (Autonomous), Guwahati-781016, Assam
How to apply :
Candidates may send their detailed Biodata/CV with supporting documents altogether.
They should send it to the Principal Investigator via e-mail to
Last date for submission of applications is 5th February, 2025 up to 5 pm.
The subject for the Email shall be “Application for the post of Junior Research Fellow in Advanced Level Institutional Biotech Hub, (Phase-II)”
Applicants must present original certificates and self-attested xerox copies of all certificates before the interview for verification
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